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Relax With a Special Soap

Whether simply taking time for yourself, or taking a slow, sensual bath before a romantic date, relaxing in the bathtub with an aromatic soap can put you into whichever state of being you wish, be it peaceful and calm after work, or romantic and sexy before a date, or anywhere else in between. has aromatic soap for various occasions and purposes, including soaps featuring specific Orishas.

General Relaxation: Have a ‘Spa at Home’ Day

For days when money’s a bit tight or you simply don’t fancy going out in the elements to head for the spa, have a ‘spa-at-home’ day with the following soaps:

1) Banana Coconut Smoothy Soap. In the middle of winter, put yourself in a sunny, tropical mood with this deliciously scented banana and coconut soap that will make you think you’ve just transported yourself to a tropical island. Pair with any type of island music in the background (rain forest music is always a good idea) and you’ll find yourself drifting into a tropical holiday state of mind.

2) Propolis Soap. ‘Bee’ positive in your mind and soul while cleansing your skin of impurities with propolis soap. Propolis, a bee product, is good for antibacterial properties, and the olive oil mixed with it is great for moisturising. The colour itself is calming and prepares your mind for the experience of relaxing in the moment.

3) Sleepy Lavender Soap. Lavender is an herb long known for its relaxing and calming properties. It calms the spirit enough for you to fall asleep without your mind running around constantly.

Soaps For Spiritual Cleansing & Ritual

Sometimes you want to have a ritual or ceremony to ask for Divine help, and for that, you definitely want to be in a relaxed and receptive frame of mind. A spiritually cleansing bath helps to not only relax you, but to centre your spirit and prepare you for the ritual ahead. Or perhaps the bath either is part of the ritual, or is the ritual in its entirety.

1) Mint & Rosemary Soap. This is a more general soap for use during the week after a cleansing bath with an herbal mixture as mint is quite often used in cleansing rituals and spells.

2) Soap for Prosperity. If you’re in tune with the Orishas, and need some assistance bringing in a bit of extra money to cover expenses, this soap is associated with Oxossi, the African God of the Hunt, who will help bring prosperity to your life.

3) Soap for Success. This soap is associated with Ogum, the African God of War (akin to St. George). Use this soap while calling upon Ogum to help accomplish your goals when the path seems difficult. He will help clear the path.

4) Chamomile Flowers Soap. Apart from using this soap to physically and spiritually cleanse your house, you can also use this soap to physically and spiritually cleanse yourself in the bath. Chamomile, just by itself, is also quite a relaxing aroma for many, and it’s said to make you more attractive to the opposite sex.

The Sensual and Trendy

This is a fairly common soap category, particularly for women. Some of these soaps can even be given as gifts because the images on them are quite suitable for pre-wedding, female-only parties.

1) Black Cat Soap (Vanilla Scent). Unleash your inner feline with this sensually-fragranced and amusing soap featuring a black cat. Who knows relaxation better than a cat, after all?

2) Hot High Heels (Orange and Cinnamon). If you’re truly feeling fiery and feisty and looking for some romantic, spicy action on a date, then this soap is for you. Or if you know someone of the Fire sign persuasion (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) who would enjoy this delicious-smelling soap as well as get a kick out of the ‘high heels’ image, give this as a gift and watch them smile.

3) Ylang Ylang and Rose Soap. This is a perfect soap to relax with on a romantic night spent with your partner. Take your time before your date and use this super-sensual aromatic soap to lightly scent your body. They can’t help but be attracted to you as a result.

These are just some of the soaps has on offer. There is truly nothing more relaxing than a long bath to help unwind the stress and tension from your day, and even help prepare for truly intimate times with a special someone.



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