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How to charge Selenite & Cleanse

Selenite is a beautiful and powerful crystal that has been used in healing and spiritual practices like Reiki for centuries. In this article, we’re going to explore the different methods of charging selenite, as well as some best practices for doing so. Whether you’re a seasoned crystal practitioner or are just starting to explore the world of crystals and energy work, understanding how to charge selenite can help you make the most of its powerful properties.

What is Selenite?
Selenite is a mineral that belongs to the family of gypsum crystals. It is composed of calcium sulphate and is usually found in clear or white crystal formations. Its name derives from the Greek word for moon, selene, due to its resemblance to the moon’s ethereal glow.It’s actually a very common mineral, and is found in many countries such as Mexico, Morocco and the United States. Its aesthetic appeal also means it’s used for decoration, although it gets used as a fertiliser additive for cement production in construction too.
In addition to its practical uses, selenite is used in spiritual healing practices. It is believed to have cleansing and energising properties, and is often used to promote peace, clarity, and spiritual growth.
Properties & Benefits of Selenite
This powerful crystal is valued for its many properties and benefits.
Calming & Soothing: Selenite is known for its calming and soothing energy. It can help to relieve stress and anxiety, promote relaxation, and create a sense of peace and tranquillity.
Cleansing & Clearing: Selenite is believed to have powerful cleansing and clearing properties. It can help to remove negative or stagnant energy from the body, mind, and environment, and promote a sense of clarity and balance.
Spiritual Growth & Awareness: Selenite is often used in spiritual and energy work to promote spiritual growth and awareness. It can help to open the third eye and crown chakrasenhance intuition and psychic abilities, and connect a user to higher realms and dimensions.
Healing & Protection: Selenite is also associated with healing and protection. It is said to help support physical healing, boost the immune system, and protect against negative energies and entities.
Amplification: Selenite is known for its ability to amplify the energy of other crystals and objects. It can enhance the effectiveness of certain crystals and promote their healing properties.
How to Charge Selenite
Charging selenite can help to remove any negative or stagnant energy that may have accumulated, enhancing its natural properties and benefits.
Moonlight Charging
Moonlight charging is one of the most popular and effective methods for charging selenite. Simply place your selenite under the light of the full moon for a few hours, allowing it to absorb the energy and power of the moon’s light. This method is particularly effective for selenite; it is already associated with the energy of the moon, and so this way of charging is said to enhance its connection to the divine feminine. Once your selenite has been charged in the moonlight, it will be ready to use for your desired intention, whether that be for meditation, healing, or spiritual growth.
Sunlight Charging
Similar to moonlight charging, this method involves placing your selenite in direct sunlight for a few hours, allowing it to absorb the energy and power of the sun’s light. However, it is important to note that not all types of selenite can withstand direct sunlight, as prolonged exposure can cause it to fade or become damaged. Sunlight charging is particularly effective for selenite that is associated with the energy of the sun, such as golden selenite. Once your selenite has been charged in the sunlight, it will be ready to use as you intend.
Sound Charging
Sound charging is a unique method of charging selenite that involves using sound vibrations to enhance its energy. Tools such as singing bowls, bells, chimes, or tuning forks can be used to create sound vibrations that help to cleanse and charge the selenite. This method has been used for centuries and can be a highly effective way to clear negative or stagnant energy from your selenite. Simply hold your selenite near the sound tool and allow the vibrations to wash over it, visualising its energy being cleared and replenished.
How Often Should You Charge Selenite?
How often you charge selenite can vary depending on how often you use it and the environment in which it is kept. As a general rule, it is recommended to charge your selenite at least once a month, or whenever you feel that its energy has become depleted or stagnant. However, if you use your selenite quite frequently for meditation or energy work then you may want to charge it more often to keep it at its peak performance.
It is also important to consider where your selenite is being kept, as it can absorb negative energy from its surroundings. For example, if your selenite is kept in a busy or chaotic space (like a kitchen or office space), you may want to charge it more frequently to keep its energy clear and balanced. Ultimately, how often you need to charge your selenite is based on your own intuition and the needs of your crystal.
How to Cleanse Selenite
As well as charging, cleansing your selenite is an important way to maintain its energy and effectiveness.
One effective method for cleansing selenite is to use smoke. You can create smoke using sage, palo santo, or incense, and simply hold your selenite in the smoke for a few moments. As the smoke washes over your selenite, it will help to clear away any negative or stagnant energy.
Another method for cleansing selenite is to use water. However, not all types of selenite can withstand contact with water, so just make sure you check your selenite’s type beforehand. If your selenite is safe to use with water, you can hold it under running water for a few moments, or submerge it in a bowl of water for a few hours.

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Amethyst originates from the Greek word “ametusthos” which means “not intoxicated”. According to ancient legends, this name was given because they discovered that this form of quartz could prevent intoxication or drunkenness. During the Middle Age, European soldiers wore this precious gemstone as a protective shield. They even used it in forging their weapons.


Amethyst is the precious stone that causes deep intuitive feelings. These ancient magical pieces of décor are used to prevent panics, balance emotions, calm the nerves, and stop any addiction. These runes increase one’s thinking to understand justice instead of revenge. Those who are constantly faced by the threats of death use this stone to forget their fear.

Today, amethyst is used in making jewelry. It can be elaborate and expensive, or simple and inexpensive. It has the ability to blend well with other stones, making it more effective both spiritually and aesthetically.  Amethyst runes are important spiritual home décor that is recommended for meddlers as it will help them to focus on their life and stop gossiping about others.

The beautiful deep purple color represents mystics and royalty, which connects your inner eyes to dream – it can help you to access diving help (truth) that will set you free. It is also understood to reflect purity as it helps to let go of relationship heartbreaks and broken homes.



  1. Amethyst is commonly used in Zen practice, divination, and meditation as it helps to open the eyes to see beyond the physical.
  2. It helps to increase your powers for rituals.
  3. Amethyst runes can help you to move on with your life and stop blaming others.
  4. These runes are powerful healing tools as they help to alleviate headaches and other health issues.
  5. It can be used in clearing negative energies and grant access to the energies of Archangel Zadkiel – the Angel of Joy.
  6. Amethyst is used for weight loss purpose.
  7. It is even used to stop several addictions such as drunkenness, smoking, and depression.
  8. These runes help one to focus and enhance creativity.
  9. It helps in alleviating emotional disorders such as depression, resentfulness, apathy, and stress.
  10. Amethyst is used for decorative purposes – can fit in the office, living room, kitchen, and almost any room.
  11. People wear this stone to let go of their fears and anxieties.
  12. Because of its healing effects, one can be revitalized when tired or stressed.
  13. Amethyst helps those having nightmares. Legends attest that the effect of nightmare ceases after wearing this stone.

There are many other benefits of Amethyst runes. Why don’t you invest in this natural product other than opting for chemical fragrances that can affect your nervous system? More so, you don’t want to deprive yourself of these mental, physical, and spiritual benefits.

Where to Buy Amethyst Runes

If you wish to buy amethyst runes, essential oil, incense, herbs. Himalayan salt and other meditative ingredients visit Zen Spiritual – the online store you can trust.

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Crystals – How to energise them using the moon


Crystals – How to energise them using the moon

You will need:

3 crystals
Mineral water
Rock salt (3 handfuls)
A porcelain bowl, white in colour


Place the 3 crystals in the white bowl. Add mineral water along with the salt and leave by the window overnight (or outside where it can receive vibrations and energy from the moon).
The next day, wash the crystals with mineral water. They are now ready to be used for your rituals, or you can carry it in your bag for protection. They can also be used to energise a special bath (please note that after a bath, crystals will need to be energised again).

You can use this moon ritual every time you feel your crystals need to be energised, best practice is to do it every fortnight.