Wind chimes are probably one of the most popular forms of décor. Even if you don’t have a set yourself just yet, you’ve likely heard your neighbour’s set dancing and making sweet music in the wind. Many wind chime sets are metal, and they range in size from very small, to quite large.
But what if you’re not that keen on metal? Wood wind chimes are the perfect alternative, and it seems they carry the very sounds of the jungle within the softness of their music. There are many wood chime sets out there, and each type of wood has its own distinct colour and sound, but a bamboo set has a sound like no other..
If you have yet to purchase a set for yourself, then you’re in luck, because zenspiritual.com has two types of bamboo wind chimes in stock and both are from Indonesia. One set has four chimes and the other has six.
Depending on the size of the space in which you wish to hang your chimes, the six-chime set is slightly bigger than the four-chime set. Ideally, you’ll want to hang your chimes outside in a garden area, but if this is not possible, you can find a way to hang them inside and perhaps have a gentle fan blowing a slight breeze creating the natural, relaxing sounds you desire to bring a bit more peace into your home.
One of the best parts about having bamboo wind chimes is not just the sound, but knowing that bamboo is a sustainable wood, meaning it can be regrown over and over, unlike traditional tree woods, where it takes years to grow new trees to replace the old. So if preserving the planet is a big part of your spiritual leanings, and you want wooden wind chimes, then a Zen product such as bamboo is definitely the wood for you.
Also, since wind chimes are such a typical choice for many, you can be the one whose wind chimes are not just a way to bring tranquility to your living space, but also a way to break the ice at get-togethers. Why? Because wooden wind chimes, unlike metal, are always going to be unique-looking.
Bamboo wind chimes will also always have that smooth, warm sound that will lend a tranquil vibe to your entire home, allowing you to be in a completely peaceful state of mind.