Healing and rejuvenating your physical and spiritual health is one of the many facets of walking a spiritual path, and herbs are one of the many tools used in facilitating that healing.
Many edible herbs have medicinal effects when taken internally, such as in food or essential oil-based tinctures, and they also have psychically cleansing effects if used in rituals and spells, even such simple rituals as cleansing and purifying your home, as well as your aura.
It should also be said that the mind and body are connected, and that psychically cleansing your aura with herbs can prevent sickness in the physical body. In short: ‘As above, so below.’
Here are some amazing herbs that will help you towards your desires of both physical and spiritual health:
1) Basil. Most folks know that sage helps cleanse the aura, but did you know that basil does the same? While most people would put normal dried basil in culinary dishes, which is beneficial for health, they don’t think about the potential of using dried basil as an aura and home space cleanser, particularly when burnt.
2) Sage. As one of the prime herbs for mental, emotional and spiritual cleansing, dried sage is always a standard go-to in a healer’s ‘toolbox’ as it were. Though white sage tends to be the formal, traditional choice for smudging, there is nothing that says you can’t use dried culinary sage as a ‘stand-in’ if you cannot afford or access white sage. Part of witchcraft and healing means using what you have, if you know it will work. As for using sage internally, particularly as a source of ‘healing food,’ sage has many benefits to emotional and mental health, working on the brain chemical level.
Also, just lightly breathing in the smoke from burning sage has aromatherapeutic effects, as the molecules from the sage oils are held within the smoke. Not only does sage have a grounding, earthy scent, but the calming, sedative effects are the same.
3) Lavender. Lavender is one of the top choices for cleansing the mind and heart. Just breathing in fresh lavender brings a calm, peaceful feeling of serenity, but you can also used dried lavender in bath sachets, rituals and spells as a type of incense, or in a pillow that can be used to help headache sufferers and insomniacs relax.
4) Spearmint. While it’s true this herb is famous for flavouring candies and chewing gum, this herb is well known for its medicinal properties, such as anti-nausea, anti-diarrhoea, and other digestive assistance. You can also create a mouthwash from spearmint to prevent tooth decay, and turn it into a paste for use as a topical analgesic (pain reliever). Spiritually, you can even burn dried spearmint in healing magic to assist with ridding the body of respiratory ailments.
Some magical traditions associate spearmint with the goddess Venus, and therefore use spearmint in spells to attract romantic love. Also, you can stuff a small pillow with spearmint for spiritual protection in sleep. Whichever your personal choice of spiritual path, spearmint will be of use to you and your health in many ways.
5) Jasmine. This herb is famous for use in spells for attracting love, mixed as an essential oil into lotions and perfumes as a very powerful scent-based aphrodisiac. It’s also very effective at relaxing the mind and spirit for meditative purposes, if you have other personal herbal favorites for romance that work better for you in that realm.
These are five of the herbs in the zenspiritual.com store, available for purchase, and they are all very effective sources of healing the physical and spiritual bodies.