The Christmas season is here, and it’s difficult to ignore the kind of stress that the season can bring to your mind, soul and body. Whether you’re having to deal with troublesome relatives, extra work right before the office closes for Christmas, a sick child, or those little tiny stressors that pile up because you’ve not had a chance to take care of them before they become a big thing, it’s definitely time you took a well-deserved mental holiday to relax before Christmas Day actually arrives.
Why not try a Tranquility CD from zenspiritual.com?
About Tranquility Music CDs
There are two titles available at zenspiritual.com: Healing Spirit and Rain Forest.
Healing Spirit is ideal for giving yourself Reiki or other healing modalities, as the music within is fabulous for sound therapy in itself. Just the picture on the front is calming to look at. The music is by a composer named Llewellyn, and while they’re not very well-known at all, the melodies on the CD will put you in a place of peace and calm, and it can’t hurt to play this CD while lighting candles and soaking in a tub full of hot scented water.
Lying there in the bath, you won’t be able to help taking long, deep breaths and letting the music bring you into a state of calm and contentment, allowing the ‘frazzled’ feeling to just melt away while you wash away your troubles.
Rain Forest, by Midori, is equally relaxing to listen to, but it’s good music to have in the background whilst prepping dinner or doing other chores, as this music can be both relaxing and energising at the same time, creating that perfect balance of zen calm and purposeful activity that’s always helpful to have when you’re bustling around getting ready for, say, a holiday party, or relatives coming over.
Alternatively, both the Healing Spirit and Rain Forest CDs are good for playing if you happen to have a spiritually-oriented business, just for example. Any clientele you have that comes in for massages, Reiki or other energy-centric treatments will feel the Zen calm you promote with these particular albums in your lineup of various music that emphasises serenity and relaxation.
Whether you purchase the Tranquility CDs for your home or for a business, you’ll be glad you decided to invest in music that aids you in achieving the calm serenity you desire.