If you are racking your brain for the last minute sexy and totally unique surprise, here’s a great idea for you! Add a little love brew to your romantic evening! Continue reading Valentine’s Day: Tips for a romantic time with your love
If you are racking your brain for the last minute sexy and totally unique surprise, here’s a great idea for you! Add a little love brew to your romantic evening! Continue reading Valentine’s Day: Tips for a romantic time with your love
Scent is a powerful thing. It triggers memories and feelings, both long past and recent. It can bring a sense of emotional well-being and peace to everyone in a room, and depending on the occasion and the scent used, it can promote a specific mood or stream of thoughts, be it festive, sensual, mysteriously divine, or any other scene you want to set with certain aromas. Continue reading Room Sprays For A Good Aroma
So you’ve put together and organised your sacred space. If you have an entire place to yourself, perhaps you view your entire flat or house as sacred and you want to truly give your space the best energy environment possible. Continue reading Incense Aromas For a Great Environment