Massage therapy has numerous health benefits; naming two, it enhances circulation and promotes relaxation. Over the years, the massage techniques have evolved tremendously; dating back, massage was practiced only by masseurs in massage parlors. Now, we have self-massaging systems in form of massage chairs. The success of these innovations has led to further studies, one of them being massage oils.
Massage oils are a combination of two or more oils. It has wonderful effects in stimulating, relaxing, improving mood, alleviating stress, and boosting libido. Massage oils are now used in massage therapy sessions because of their beneficial effects. So the next time you want to treat yourself to an unforgettable massage, incorporate essential oils.
The first thing you need to know is the constituents of massage oils. Massage oils comprise of base oil, the carrier oil, and aromatic (essential) oils. It may be quite difficult but with this information at your disposal, you have nothing to worry about.
Massage Oil- The Carrier Oil
The carrier oils are light oil that can easily be absorbed by the skin. They are also rich in Vitamins.
Examples include:
- Sweet almond oil – used for skincare
- Grapeseed oil – fat-soluble antioxidant
Massage Oil – The Base Oil
The base oil has a high skin penetration power.
Examples include:
- Jojoba oil – skin and hair healer
- Apricot kernel oil / sunbathing oil – used to moisturize and nourish the skin
- Sunflower oil – used for skin injuries
- Avocado oil – improves heart health and reduces cholesterol
- Peach kernel oil – used for skincare
- Hazelnut oil – boost collagen production
- Coconut oil – used for food, hair, and skin
Aromatic or Essential oils for massage
Aromatic oils are chosen for their therapeutic benefits. They are usually highly concentrated so needs to be diluted in carrier oils.
Examples include:
- Lavender – used as a fragrance
- Tea tree oil – used for skin, nails, and hair
- Eucalyptus – used as germicide
- Peppermint – freshens your breathe, digestion
- Patchouli – commonly used in perfumes
The secret to blending oils is using the ones that best correlates with the objective of the massage. And if you don’t know the right massage oil blend to use, consult a massage therapist.
Amazing Benefits and Blends
Here are some amazing benefits of massage oils.
Blend oil massage are great for relaxing your body and mind after a hectic work schedule. If your massage aim is for relaxation purpose, the perfect blend oil should contain the likes of sweet orange, geranium, and lavender. These blends are great for unwinding purposes. Relaxing also helps to refresh your body, minds, and soul.
Blend: Lavender + Sweet orange + Geranium
Blend: Roman Chamomile + Australian Sandalwood + Lemon + Neroli
The right massage oil blend can improve digestion
Blend: Ginger + Cardamom + Ylang Ylang + Bergamot + Neroli + Grapefruit
By using massage oil, your body tends to reduce toxins faster.
Blend: Rosemary + Atlas Cedarwood + Oregano + Grapefruit + Thuja
Massage oil aids mental clarity and mood upliftment
Blend: Cinnamon + Sweet Orange + Cardamom + Coriander Seed
Choosing the most appropriate oil blend will give you smooth soft skin.
As beneficial as massage oils can be the wrong blends can damage your skin. Hence, choosing the right products and making a good blend is very important. Also, beware of fake massage oils; they can cause skin irritation. It is important that you buy this product from a reputable store.