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How to charge Selenite & Cleanse

Selenite is a beautiful and powerful crystal that has been used in healing and spiritual practices like Reiki for centuries. In this article, we’re going to explore the different methods of charging selenite, as well as some best practices for doing so. Whether you’re a seasoned crystal practitioner or are just starting to explore the world of crystals and energy work, understanding how to charge selenite can help you make the most of its powerful properties.

What is Selenite?
Selenite is a mineral that belongs to the family of gypsum crystals. It is composed of calcium sulphate and is usually found in clear or white crystal formations. Its name derives from the Greek word for moon, selene, due to its resemblance to the moon’s ethereal glow.It’s actually a very common mineral, and is found in many countries such as Mexico, Morocco and the United States. Its aesthetic appeal also means it’s used for decoration, although it gets used as a fertiliser additive for cement production in construction too.
In addition to its practical uses, selenite is used in spiritual healing practices. It is believed to have cleansing and energising properties, and is often used to promote peace, clarity, and spiritual growth.
Properties & Benefits of Selenite
This powerful crystal is valued for its many properties and benefits.
Calming & Soothing: Selenite is known for its calming and soothing energy. It can help to relieve stress and anxiety, promote relaxation, and create a sense of peace and tranquillity.
Cleansing & Clearing: Selenite is believed to have powerful cleansing and clearing properties. It can help to remove negative or stagnant energy from the body, mind, and environment, and promote a sense of clarity and balance.
Spiritual Growth & Awareness: Selenite is often used in spiritual and energy work to promote spiritual growth and awareness. It can help to open the third eye and crown chakrasenhance intuition and psychic abilities, and connect a user to higher realms and dimensions.
Healing & Protection: Selenite is also associated with healing and protection. It is said to help support physical healing, boost the immune system, and protect against negative energies and entities.
Amplification: Selenite is known for its ability to amplify the energy of other crystals and objects. It can enhance the effectiveness of certain crystals and promote their healing properties.
How to Charge Selenite
Charging selenite can help to remove any negative or stagnant energy that may have accumulated, enhancing its natural properties and benefits.
Moonlight Charging
Moonlight charging is one of the most popular and effective methods for charging selenite. Simply place your selenite under the light of the full moon for a few hours, allowing it to absorb the energy and power of the moon’s light. This method is particularly effective for selenite; it is already associated with the energy of the moon, and so this way of charging is said to enhance its connection to the divine feminine. Once your selenite has been charged in the moonlight, it will be ready to use for your desired intention, whether that be for meditation, healing, or spiritual growth.
Sunlight Charging
Similar to moonlight charging, this method involves placing your selenite in direct sunlight for a few hours, allowing it to absorb the energy and power of the sun’s light. However, it is important to note that not all types of selenite can withstand direct sunlight, as prolonged exposure can cause it to fade or become damaged. Sunlight charging is particularly effective for selenite that is associated with the energy of the sun, such as golden selenite. Once your selenite has been charged in the sunlight, it will be ready to use as you intend.
Sound Charging
Sound charging is a unique method of charging selenite that involves using sound vibrations to enhance its energy. Tools such as singing bowls, bells, chimes, or tuning forks can be used to create sound vibrations that help to cleanse and charge the selenite. This method has been used for centuries and can be a highly effective way to clear negative or stagnant energy from your selenite. Simply hold your selenite near the sound tool and allow the vibrations to wash over it, visualising its energy being cleared and replenished.
How Often Should You Charge Selenite?
How often you charge selenite can vary depending on how often you use it and the environment in which it is kept. As a general rule, it is recommended to charge your selenite at least once a month, or whenever you feel that its energy has become depleted or stagnant. However, if you use your selenite quite frequently for meditation or energy work then you may want to charge it more often to keep it at its peak performance.
It is also important to consider where your selenite is being kept, as it can absorb negative energy from its surroundings. For example, if your selenite is kept in a busy or chaotic space (like a kitchen or office space), you may want to charge it more frequently to keep its energy clear and balanced. Ultimately, how often you need to charge your selenite is based on your own intuition and the needs of your crystal.
How to Cleanse Selenite
As well as charging, cleansing your selenite is an important way to maintain its energy and effectiveness.
One effective method for cleansing selenite is to use smoke. You can create smoke using sage, palo santo, or incense, and simply hold your selenite in the smoke for a few moments. As the smoke washes over your selenite, it will help to clear away any negative or stagnant energy.
Another method for cleansing selenite is to use water. However, not all types of selenite can withstand contact with water, so just make sure you check your selenite’s type beforehand. If your selenite is safe to use with water, you can hold it under running water for a few moments, or submerge it in a bowl of water for a few hours.

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Fairies have long been a popular inspiration in spiritual imagery. They are great fantasy art concept for kids and adults. Although there is a common misconception that fairies are made specifically for children. That fact has long been a thing of the past as fairies have evolved in recent years to become part of the adult world. It provides an atmosphere for kids to play and for adults to escape from reality.

Mystic fairies are made in different models to depict certain mystical importance. Though these creatures are fictional, they are good and vibrant in nature. Mystic fairies comprise various elements that are controversial but also meaningful and attractive. A beautiful mystic fairy is seen as a supernatural item which can be placed anywhere in your home. To some, it depicts an adventure while others place it in their room to enchant them. It helps you to project a comfortable environment by escaping from the realms of reality.

Fairies have long been profound as more people are embracing magical elements in their lives. When we were kids, we enjoyed stories from our grandmothers about fairies. Those stories are the essence of what legends are made of. Indeed fairies are magical; the fantasies made them incredibly special and whimsical that we wanted to possess every single collectible we see. In reality, the stories created in our hearts and minds what makes us yearn for something extraordinary.

A good way to start your charming collectibles is to consider the following. When choosing your fairy collectibles, you can make your selection by appearances, colors, looks, and sizes. Mystic fairies are colorful beings that are available in a wide range of colors. Angles are commonly accompanied with mystic fairies. They are usually white in color while fairies come in different colors.  A beautiful collection of angel figurines can add a sense of peace, light, and harmony to your decoration. It is no wonder they are so cherished. Think of vibrant shades with fancy colors that can be added to boost the décor of your home.

Fairies can be a great gift item for your kids, friends and loved ones. The fairy men are dressed in the most adorable outfits; usually tunics of rich silk and velvet that cause grab the attention of any lady. The fairy women gown themselves in fabrics that are thin, one which can attract light. The appearance and beauty of these fairies can shut your eyes to all beauty made of man. A porcelain fairy doll can be a perfect gift for a young lady while miniature fairy figurines are beautiful cake topper for birthday cakes. This would be something that any child will cherish for a lifetime.

Browse here to see all the different collections of fairies that are available for you to purchase. Don’t be surprised if you order for more than you intend – they are simply magnificent!

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Oftentimes, we run out of ideas when we are about to make a life-changing decision that may affect our lives and those closest to us. The horoscope plays an important role in life as it is used to interpret and guide someone’s decision – i.e. assisting him in making the right choice. Horoscope works by predicting the future based on the relative positions of the planets. They are quite mysterious because the future (which is the reality yet to be seen) is predicted by apparent bodies.

For thousands of years, the horoscope has served as a map of the sky and has helped to shape up a lot of lives and decisions. Checking the horoscope remains a culture in many countries. For known reasons, people believe that choices in life that include work, relationships, love, family, employment, choice of friends, etc. can be determined by the consultation of horoscope charts. This is why most people are so much intrigued by the future and it is why horoscopes bring excitement to many individuals.

A horoscope is based on a period of twelve months with each month having a zodiac sign. These are the following signs:

  • Aquarius (January 20- February 19) people who are under this sign tend to be philosophical by nature.
  • Pisces (February 20-March 20) represented by the fish. They are caring and compassionate.
  • Aries (March 21- April 19) depicted with the image of a mountain goat. These people are short-tempered and generally focused on their goal.
  • Taurus (April 20-May 20) depicted with the bull. These people are romantic, passionate, and loyal.
  • Gemini (May 21-June 20) symbolized by the twins. These people are real, interactive, and creative.
  • Malignancy/cover (June 21- July 22) represented by the crab. These individuals are calm and peaceful.
  • Leo (July 23- August 22) these individuals are leaders and sometimes dictators.
  • Virgo (August 23-September 22) these people are highly analytical and in always striving for the best.
  • Libra (September 23- July 22) characterized by the weighing scales. These people are naturally thoughtful.
  • Scorpio (October 23-November 22) characterized by the scorpion. People who are under this sign are intelligent and optimistic.
  • Sagittarius (November 23- December 21) depicted with the image of an archer. These individuals have a continual desire for absolute perfection.
  • Taurus (December 22- January 19) these people are very active and selfish at times.

The Chinese and ancient Mayan were proficient in horoscope and astrology. Experienced astrologers draw a horoscope for the time event so as to get accurate birth data such as the strength, weakness, personality, and potentials. Today, horoscopes can be found in magazines, newspapers, as well as online.



Naturally, it is a good idea not to rely on horoscopes for each and every decision that you have to make in life. You can decide to live your dreams or allow an ancient mysterious chart make decisions for you. It is left for you to choose to believe them, or simply consider them a source of entertainment.

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Himalayan Salt and its benefits

One of the health products that have become more popular in recent years is Himalayan salt. Himalayan salt is the purest and healthiest salt on earth. Yes, it is healthier and purer than sea salt!  This is quite different from the traditional salt because it is 100% natural without any pollutants or harmful toxins. It is widely used for the health benefits associated with it. One of the amazing benefits of this salt is that it provides a natural remedy for skin diseases, respiratory problems, and even menstrual cramps. Continue reading Himalayan Salt and its benefits

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Halloween Is Coming! Here Are Some Curiosities About The Day

Halloween is probably one of the most popular holidays for children, and adults who are children at heart. Between dressing up as favourite characters, going to parties and of course, Halloween-centred treats, it’s the one day that seems to be the perfect start to all the cold-weather holiday fun.

But what some people may not know is that Halloween has a unique history that will give perspective to some of our modern customs.

Halloween’s History

Halloween, or as it’s spelt in some circles, ‘Hallowe’en’, has its roots in the Pagan festival known as Samhain (SOW-wen). It’s an ancient Gaelic word meaning ‘summer’s end.’ There are many ideas and legends surrounding the ancient customs of the time that it can be a bit difficult to sort myth from fact.

Here is some of what we know for sure:

  • Dressing in costumes is one of these long Hallowe’en traditions. It is rooted in the thought that because the veil between this world and the next is thinnest at Samhain, mischievous or possibly vengeful spirits might find a way to come back to this plane and play tricks on, or curse those still living who had done wrong by the deceased. Dressing in costumes of some kind was originally intended to confuse those spirits, and ward off any of that mischief.
  • Trick-or-treating is something of a spin-off of the old custom of ‘going a-souling.’ This was mostly done by the poor people, often children, who would ask for prayers for those in their family who had recently died. In return, they might receive milk, bread or perhaps wine, if it was a family going together. This custom came about sometime after Christianity took over the holiday of Samhain and turned it into Hallowe’en, aka ‘All Hallows’ Eve,’ likely to eradicate the Pagan practices normally associated with the festival.
  • Jack-O-Lanterns are another old tradition, of course, but believe it or not, pumpkins were not the first vegetables to be used. Turnips were used instead at one point.

Halloween Decorations

It could be said that there are quite a few decorations and colours that just about everyone associates with Halloween. Orange, black, yellow and purple are common colours, as is red, for those who know about the color being associated with the astrological sign of Scorpio, which falls between October 22nd and November 22nd.

Naturally, you’re likely to see ghosts, witches, cats, bats and all other manner of mysterious or strange creatures. Here are some curiosities about those types of decor:


  • Ghosts are a common theme with Halloween decorations because of the veil being thin on October 31st.
  • Witches, of course, are a usual sight for many reasons, and many witch decorations are designed in the shape of the old hag or crone/wise-woman aspect of the triple-goddess, but until the resurgence of Pagan practises that came about in the 1950s and later, along with certain TV shows like ‘Bewitched,’ most thought of witches in the form of the ‘old woman,’ and it was usually a negative association. These days, if you see witch-themed decor in the ‘old crone’ form, it’s often more comical than frightening.
  • Cats and bats are, of course, just as typical at Halloween, mostly because both are nocturnal creatures, they were seen as mysterious for a very long time, and for some, a bit frightening and evil solely because of misinformation and outright lies perpetuated by fearful people in the past. Anymore, science has replaced much of the superstition, and cats–including black cats–are beloved by many people. Bats are now often thought of as fascinating, even if their appearance does seem a bit ‘freaky’ to some, and so both take their rightful place among Halloween-themed decor, which you can find in the zen products section of’s online store.

Halloween is a fun time of the year for many. And no matter how you celebrate it, be it in modern Pagan fashion with a ritual or ceremony for the day, or simply as a secular holiday for kids and kids-at-heart, or anywhere in between, it’s the perfect way to welcome the cold weather holidays that come afterward.

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How To Balance the Energy Of Your Place With Proper Decorations

 According to both Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla, as well as just about any spiritual practitioner you might meet, everything is energy. Those who are particularly sensitive to subtle energies will pick up on what is not felt by most people. Continue reading How To Balance the Energy Of Your Place With Proper Decorations

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How the Moon Influences Your Life

Our moon is probably the most familiar sight in the night sky, and it’s sometimes visible in the daytime, too, depending on what position it’s in when the sun rises or sets. You likely know that it travels around the Earth in a cycle of approximately 28 days, and that it has a strong influence on our oceans, and to a lesser degree, our larger lakes. Continue reading How the Moon Influences Your Life

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What Is The Tarot and How You Can Use It To Improve Your Life

 The Tarot is one of the world’s longstanding divinatory traditions. Its beginnings are something of a mystery, though more and more, people are discovering the real story of this divination system.

It used to be that there were only a handful of different decks, but now there is such a wide variety that it can be a bit challenging for a beginner to choose which deck they will learn from the best. Continue reading What Is The Tarot and How You Can Use It To Improve Your Life

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Room Sprays For A Good Aroma


Scent is a powerful thing. It triggers memories and feelings, both long past and recent. It can bring a sense of emotional well-being and peace to everyone in a room, and depending on the occasion and the scent used, it can promote a specific mood or stream of thoughts, be it festive, sensual, mysteriously divine, or any other scene you want to set with certain aromas. Continue reading Room Sprays For A Good Aroma